EverWebinar Free trial and Pricing SEPTEMBER 2021

How To Get EverWebinar 14 Days Free Trial?

In this post, I’m going to show you how to get the Everwebinar trial for your use.

Here’s the discount link that you can use to sign up to Everwebinar and start the free trial.

Click on start your trial button

After that wait for a few seconds to go to the pricing page. Choose any package depending on what you like.

Choose the annual plan because that results in significant savings.

You can save $98 or more with the annual plan.

EWnter the billing information with the name, email, phone number and address.

Next enter the credit card details.

Everwebinar charges $1 for the trial.

What Is EverWebinar?

Everwebinar logo 1 Everwebinar free trial

EverWebinar is one of the tools available from Genesis Digital, the same guys who are behind the ever popular tool called WebinarJam.

If you compare the two tools you will find significant similarities you’re going to love.

The tool focuses on webinar automation and has a number of features built inside.

Host any kind of webinar with the tool. Whether you’re an entire marketing team or winging it solo the software can help you either way.

EverWebinar Features

Here’s the list of features you’re going to love about EverWebinar.

1. HD Video Streaming

Everwebinar lets you stream videos in 30fps hd. No blurred faces or bad frame rates. Just use a stable connection.

2. Live Chat Simulator

One in demand feature of webinars is having live chat. You can add comment lines and roll them out during the live webinar. This makes people feel as if people are chatting right during the webinar.

3. Polls & Surveys

With polls and surveys you will be able to increase the interaction people are having with your site. You can take feedback and understand how much they are engaged.

4. Record Webinars

With everwebinar another outstanding feature is that you can create a recording of the webinar and then set it up as a download. This feature is awesome.

5. Hybrid Webinar

There’s potential to run prerecorded webinars with this tool. There is a special type of webinar in this software. Using the Everwebinar software you can run pre-recorded webinars/ These webinars should you wish can show real-time live chat running on the side. So it gives the feel that the webinar is in real-time.

6. Library of Landing Pages

A professional landing page requires a bit of time and effort. People hire developers to make this possible. With everwebinar get a library of pre made landing pages. You can get all types of templates and features to make the landing page.

7. Seamless Integration

With the tool you can integrate tools like payment gateways, automation tools, and others. Need zero technical experience.

8. Automated Email & SMS

With this feature send webinar attendees automated notifications and smese.

9. Clickable Offers

Intead of sending webinar attendees to a site to make their purchase why not use the clickable feature on Everwebinar. This feature helps you convert webinar attendees to paying customers.

10. Detailed Analytics

With the tool have access to built in analytics to understand how people sign up for the webinar and how people purchase the service

11. Money-Back Guarantee [30-Days]

Theres’ an iron clad 30 days money back guarantee with all plans. If you’re not happy you ccan ask for a refund.

EverWebinar Plans & Pricing Details

Here are the pricing details on Everwebinar. There are 3 plans for you to choose from. The first one? Installment plan, second annual plan and third business plan.

All plans come with the same list of features. The pricing depends on for the duration you want the plan.

EverWebinar Pricing Everwebinar free trial

1. Installment Plan

The installment plan lets you purchase the software for 3 payment cycles. You pay $199 each time.

2. Annual Plan

Tje annual plan is $99 for a year.

3. Biennial Plan

The third final biennial plan costs $799 for 2 years.

Everwebinar free trial ending

This is how you can score everwebinar free trial for 14 days. The charge is $1 to avoid people who simply like wasting time.